Did you know federal employees may be granted up to four hours of excused absence (administrative leave) each year to obtain preventive health screenings.
This law was signed by the president in January 2001 in an effort to assist federal workers in taking a proactive role in defeating serious disease while it’s in its earliest and most curable stages, and provide for a healthier workforce. Some of the preventive services covered by this provision of law include mammography, pap smears, cholesterol checks, screening for prostate, cervical, colorectal and breast cancer, sickle cell and blood lead levels.
Requests for preventive health screenings should be made in advance of the leave, and are subject to approval by an official authorized to grant leave, as is the case for annual or sick leave requests for medical appointments. Excused absence for preventive health screenings should be recorded on the Time & Attendance record as “LN.” The four hours is limited to each leave year, and unused leave for this purpose may not be carried forward to the next leave year.
Questions regarding this benefit should be directed to your servicing CPAC MER/labor specialist.